Derron “Beeombi” Cherry

Fashion Designer/ Costume Designer/ Stylist

Derron Cherry's story is truly inspiring. From his roots in Kansas City, Missouri, to the global stage of fashion, his journey encapsulates the essence of creativity and determination. It's fascinating how he draws from his family's design legacy and his own experiences to shape Beeombi into a brand that challenges the norms of the industry.

The fusion of tradition and contemporary flair in Beeombi's designs reflects Cherry's ability to blend the old with the new, creating something truly unique and captivating. His dedication to craftsmanship and attention to detail shine through in every piece, whether it's a custom gown or a ready-to-wear collection.

Cherry's vision of redefining women's wear with androgynous influences is both bold and refreshing. It speaks to his willingness to push boundaries and challenge conventional notions of fashion. His commitment to providing clients with an exceptional and personalized experience underscores his passion for his craft and his desire to leave a lasting impact on the industry.

As Cherry continues to expand his brand and dress future stars at prestigious events, it's clear that his journey is far from over. With his creative spirit and visionary approach to fashion, he's poised to make a significant mark on the world of style, leaving behind a legacy that will endure for years to come.